Both Governors and staff would like to stress the importance of correct school uniform.
Wearing correct school uniform:
- Ensures clothing keeps children safe when learning and playing in school
- Ensures children look smart, fostering a sense of pride and belonging
School sweatshirts, cardigans, polo shirts and t-shirts bearing Elston Hall school logo are available for purchase from Trutex Wolverhampton and Trutex wolverhampton online (www.crestedschoolwear.co.uk)
Please see our Uniform Policy for full details of our expectations.
Support is available if you are struggling with the cost of school uniform. Pre-loved uniform (branded and non-branded) is available from St Columba’s United Reform Church (Finchfield, Wolverhampton) and we also have a bank of pre-loved uniform. Please contact school and we will be happy to help.
It is vital that all items of clothing are labelled to ensure that they can be reunited with the correct owner, particularly coats, cardigans, jumpers and hoodies. Thank you.​​​​