Elston Voice
Our Elston Voice is represented by our Ambassadors across school. This includes our Head Boy and Head Girl, School Council, Reading Ambassadors, Maths Ambassadors, Behaviour Ambassadors, Housepoint Captains, Wellbeing Ambassadors, Eco Ambassadors and Digital Ambassadors.
Meet our Head Girl, Head Boy and House Captains!

Meet our School Councillors

Elston Hall School Council is a group of pupils that represent the voice of all pupils.
They listen to suggestions and ideas that are of importance to their peers and the good of the school. We have an active School Council which comprises of representatives from Year 1 to Year 6. They are elected annually by their classmates.
School councillors work together within their team and form links with their class, year group, staff, whole school and community to enhance, make changes or support fundraising events. Their suggestions make a positive contribution to the school's continual development.
School Council is led by Mrs D Holliday

Head Boy and Head Girl
November 2024 and February 2025
Thank you to our head boy and girl for showing our university student visitors round school for our phonics and computing ITaP days.

December 2024
Thank you to our House Captains for helping to organise Christmas Jumper Day, which is an annual fundraising campaign benefiting the Save the Children charity. Thank you for your generous donations which will support children in the UK and around the world, helping to keep them safe, happy and learning! Children looked wonderful in their Christmassy jumpers and many also enjoyed their delicious Christmas lunch today with dessert served by Miss Foster!
To learn more about how ‘Save the Children’ spend the money raised or if you would like to get more involved at home please visit