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October 2024

Thank you to the parents and carers who attended the meeting. Click on the link to view the information we shared.

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November 2024

We have dissected sheep hearts! We previously learnt about the role of blood for animals, and now we have studied the heart in more detail. Carefully, we dissected the hearts and identified the different components, taking particular care not to damage the valves or the aorta!

Our Teachers
Mr L Harris.jpg

Mr L Harris

Teacher - Class 20

Year Leader

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Mrs A Handley

Teacher - Class 19

Mr R Holmes.jpg

Mr R Holmes

Teacher - Class 21

Maths  Leader

Mrs A Hocknull.jpg

Mrs A Hocknull

Phase Leader

Welcome to Year 6

Welcome back and Happy New Year. We cannot believe it is Spring Term already! We hope that you had a fantastic holiday and look forward to hearing all about your child’s Christmas.


Due to the forthcoming SATs in May, we have increased whole class reading to 2 sessions a week, increased our maths lessons to 5 and we will continue with 2 arithmetic and 4 English lessons along with a weekly SPAG lesson and a spelling focus lesson on a Friday.

We will carry on with science this term focusing on light. 


For more information on our learning this term please see our Curriculum Overview.


We are continuing with our exciting, thematic approach, allowing children to make connections between areas of learning and consolidate skills. All the themes chosen, deliver the programmes of study for the National Curriculum and this term our first topic will be ‘War of the Worlds'.



Children will continue to receive reading books (one fiction and one non-fiction) linked to their ability from school and will be required to read on a regular basis at school and at home.


Children will receive 10 spellings from their spelling teacher on a Friday and will be tested regularly.


Children will now receive weekly maths and SPAG homework on a Tuesday and continue with weekly reading homework on a Monday in order to apply skills taught in lessons. We appreciate that this might seem a lot for the children. However, we want to ensure we are providing the best opportunities to take the time to revise at home.


Revision books will be sent out to those who have paid over the next week. If you have not ordered yet, these can be purchased using Arbor for £8.00.  


In order to prepare for the SATs in May, some children may complete their English learning with Mrs Mitchell in a smaller group. Interventions will continue for reading and maths this term and we also have boosters running after school.​


Our PE sessions are as follows:

Class 19 – Monday and Thursday       

Class 20 – Monday and Friday  

Class 21 – Wednesday and Tuesday


Please be aware that these sessions may be flexible, therefore children need a PE kit (consisting of black shorts, a white top and pumps) in school at all times as well as an outdoor kit. We kindly remind parents that no jewellery should be worn in school except for stud earrings, and in line with Health and Safety guidelines, these should not be worn on PE days.

We look forward to working with you over the next year to ensure your children have a pleasurable and valuable last year. Year 6 is a very important year, and we look forward to excellent progress being made. If you have any concerns or worries, please arrange a time to speak to one of us as you play a vital role in your child’s education.

Autumn Foliage
Autumn Curriculum Overview
Branch with Catkins
Spring Curriculum Overview
Blooming Garden
Summer Curriculum Overview

Click the green label on the post to see more news

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