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Our Teachers
Mrs V Foster.jpg

Mrs V Foster

Teacher - Class 19

Miss J Fellows.jpg

Miss J Fellows

Teacher - Class 20

Mr R Holmes.jpg

Mr R Holmes

Teacher - Class 21

Maths  Leader


Mrs A Hocknull

Phase Leader

Welcome to Year 6

 We have a busy term ahead of us so we hope that the children are well rested and ready for their final term at Elston Hall!  


 We have a busy term ahead of us so we hope that the children are well rested and ready for their final term at Elston Hall!  


We will be continuing our preparations for SATs tests; this will include teaching test skills and using past test questions to develop children’s confidence in order to achieve their very best. We will also continue to focus on developing our writing skills across a range of texts including short stories and non-fiction texts.


We would like to invite all year 6 children to a breakfast club each morning before their SATs. This will ensure the children are in school and calm before they begin their tests. There will be a choice of cereals and toast, as well as a drink. Breakfast club will be free of charge and will begin at 8.15am Monday 13th May – Thursday 16th May. Children will need to enter via their Year 6 classroom. We want to keep the week of SATs as normal as possible, with as little additional stress on the children. It will be lovely for the children to be together in their classroom environment ahead of their tests. So that we can order supplies in advance, please complete the slip sent home and return to school as soon as possible.



A trip has been organised to Drayton Manor, further details will follow over the next few weeks.


After SATs, we will continue with our writing but also have some fun activities and projects planned. These include raising funds for our fun day and rehearsals for our end of year play. Children will also be off on their high school induction days. These are organised by the high schools so please ensure you are familiar with the dates of your child’s school.


As ever, please contact us if you have any further questions. We thank you once again for your continued support this year and we know our children will do us proud, and achieve the very best they can.​                        

Mrs Foster                  Miss Fellows                       Mr Holmes

 (Class 19)                   (Class 20)                           (Class 21)

Autumn Foliage
Autumn Curriculum Overview
Branch with Catkins
Spring Curriculum Overview
Blooming Garden
Summer Curriculum Overview

Click the green label on the post to see more news

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