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Partnership for Achievement

Welcome to Elston Hall Primary School

Achieving the potential of our children is our fundamental aim. We will be relentless in our drive to ensure that this is delivered. We will challenge the view that education alone cannot break the cycle of deprivation, low aspiration and underachievement. We want to ensure everyone in our Trust has the personal resolve and support to succeed, an ethos of ‘yes we can’.


  • Effective teaching has the most impact on learning – teaching in our schools will be excellent.

  • We will ensure we develop independent and resilient learners, everyone will be safe in our schools.

  • The curriculum will be engaging, challenging and inclusive for all pupils, ensuring accelerated and sustained progress. 

  • Attendance figures will be above the National Average. 

  • Behaviour in all our schools will be excellent and provide a secure platform for learning. 

  • Teamship is embedded into the ethos of the Trust, where everybody supports each other and builds a work ethic based on good will and respect.  

  • Staff well-being and workload are recognised and supported by Leaders at all levels. 

  • Governance is secure and offers challenge and strategic support to ensure operational security. 

  • Staff development and training at all levels is at the forefront of our thinking; leaders are skilled in identifying the ability and developing the potential of individuals. 

  • The Trust is recognised locally and nationally as a trust of high quality, producing outstanding outcomes within a culture of achievement. 


Cannot praise the teachers, head teacher and staff enough. Some have dual roles discharging as safeguarding. They go above and beyond are passionate, committed and truly care about the children at this school and work very hard and those with dual roles show this professionalism , care and empathy within all their areas of responsibility. They offer fantastic support to parents too with a listening ear and helping them for the best for the children. Well done all!




Mon 24th Feb - School Closed INSET DAY

Tue 25th Feb - Children Return to School

Wed 26th Feb   Year 3 Art Workshops

Thurs 27th Feb   Year 4 Mosque Visits


Mon 3rd March   Year 3 Dog's Trust Workshop

Thurs 6th March   World Book Day

Thurs 6th/Fri 7th March   Book Fair in School

Thurs 13th March   Year 1 Dinosaur Day

Tue 18th March   Class Photos

Fri 21st March   Comic Relief

Mon 24th March   last week for boosters and clubs

Thurs 27th March   Reception Mother's Day Assembly

31st March-2nd April   Year 6 Residential to Laches Wood


Fri 4th April   Animal Man in School for Year 2

Tue 8th April - Parent/Teacher Consultations 4-6pm

Wed 9th April - Parent/Teacher Consultations 3.30 - 5pm

Fri 11th April - Children break up for Easter

Mon 28th April - Children return to school


Mon 5th May - Bank Holiday - School Closed

Mon 12th - 15th May -Year 6 SATs

Mon 19th - 21st May -Year 4 Conwy Residential

Fri 23rd May - Children break up for half term

Mon 2nd June - Children return to school

Mon 2nd - 13th June -Year 4 Multiplication Checks

Mon 9th - 13th June -Year 1 Phonics Screening

Mon 16th June -Year 2 Residential to Beaudesert

Fri 20th June - INSET Day, School Closed to


Fri 18th July - Children Break up for summer

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